Monday, November 07, 2005

The Amazing Race

Omygod...We woke up at 6:45am when we should have been up at 5:45am as our flight was leaving at 08:30! You've never seen 2 people dress and pack and get a taxi so fast in your life. Of course we both looked like oil paintings but we actually made the flight. Our taxi driver was really trying to get us to airport on time all the while trying not to go over the speed limit - I'm afraid we stressed him out.

It was a long day and after flying to Bangkok Intn'l we had to take another bus to domestic and then wait 4 hours for a flight and then we got to Phuket and a guy took us to our beach hotel which took us another hour. As we stepped off the plane in Bangkok, we knew for sure we were out of China as the air hits you here like a hot washcloth and the sweat starts immediately but ...I'm not complaining. We are at Kata beach which is nice golden sand beach and a strip very, very busy tiny road with tons of scooters and motorbikes and trucks and taxis and buses going by all day and all night. It's a very touristy area. We will write more later when we know more.

Scam for the day - ok, you all know about time share dudes in Mexico, well here they have travel service dudes. Buddy this a.m. told us if we went for presentation there would be buffet lunch - we bit. He did give us $25.usd tho and we got free taxi to patong beach and we told them at other end "hey, where's lunch"?? whereupon a discussion ensued between managers etc. and they gave us a pardon and sent us home past the elephant carriers which we would have never known where they were without the ride - and, we are $25.00 richer - HA! oh, and I got a free t-shirt.

Oh, one thing I have to mention, in the newspaper it talks about bikers from Canada who are the meth dealers in Thailand - tough dudes - probably not HOG members I wouldn't think! Last night we saw - and heard - the Harleys roaring around town here with cute little Thai gals on the back and this a.m. we went by the biker bars and are going to explore them tonight.

Going to the beach seeya.


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