Thursday, November 24, 2005

WE got Phone number!!

Hullo..we have entered the age of technology that we have stridently avoided at home but here it's kind of a necessity. Sooo, if you all want to call (buy cheap international card), that would be cool. Our dialing info. is this: 011 66 95919437. We'd love to hear from anyone aside from the Thai guys that keep dialing the wrong number and then texting when we hang up on them, sheesh.

Ok, and just to make you all feel better, it's pissing rain here and we're getting soaked on scooters and everything is soggy. was a good day to take Thai cooking lessons. We made 6 Thai dishes ranging from spicy to sweet and sour. We are going to come home and open a restaurant which will undoubtedly fail within 90 days but what's life without risk. That's the plan of the day but by the time we are finished this trip we may be importing iguanas or something else equally as doomed to fail.

We will stay on here for a couple of more days and then move on to Bangkok, that is if we don't get a call for boat sitting or travel to Malysia.

On another subject which I know any of my female readers will sympathize with - I have become a beach blonde, unmanageable, white stringy stuff that will do nothing but hang down unattractively. Not that I'm complaining. We are both brown tho and that is good. Our hotel, while seemingly a good deal, reared it's ugly head this morning with bracingly cold showers. We are moving tomorrow. k - bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys! How's it going? It's been a while since my last visit and I find a huge, huge journal. It must be really exciting ... hey, Shelly, I would really like to see you brown... not sure I can believe you :)... So, just wanted to stop by, wish you well and tell that all my friends in Brazil know your amazing trip. Good luck friends!

2:51 PM  

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