Saturday, December 24, 2005

December 25 - 2005 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

This morning we checked into a luxe hotel and I am going to have a BATH! Joy. There are a lot of programs on tv on the Tsunami anniversary and so much pain is still evident. A year is a blip - it will take many years to recover. The Cambodian kids are so nice. They go to school at differing times of the day and the rest of the time they sell trinkets on the beach and are immensely curious and friendly and worldly wise. Today we are passing out a few trinkets to them - scarves, some pens and some lipstick for the manicure ladies. It's a way to give when you don't have your posse around. This evening we hope to go to a big seafood feast where you pay a dollar US and get a whack of shrimp, lobster, fish etc. but if that doesn't come about, we will go back for an Italian feast. You are still in slumber waiting for Santa to alight and we are in your next day! Enjoy, feast, love, laugh, cherish and appreciate. We love you all and wish you were here or we were there. Kisses and hugs all around.


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