Wednesday, October 05, 2005

YVR and All Things Weird

Hullo....Maan...weird or what. Ive and I checked into hotel last night and there was a letter waiting for me. Name spelled correctly and all. I opened it - it was a love letter/poem from some buddy I never heard of with a phone no. on it to call him - soo I called him and it turns out he was thinking that his girlfriend(same name, same spelling) was at the hotel having a tryst and he was trying to let her know that he knew what she was up to and was asking her to please reconsider etc. He was pretty freaked when we called him - and happy, I might add that his SW wasn't ME. He came to the hotel and picked up the letter and bought us a beverage for our consideration. Talk about a relieved person - strange adventure already, not only that but we sold a CD right off the plane when another buddy asked about the guitars. Today hectic start, met Ivan's family for good-bye and then were first in line for check-in. We are in Exec. lounge now and breathing again after huge security line. Shanghai bound in 2 hours. Next post from China. Cheers and send posts. :)


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