Friday, December 02, 2005

Hey Alex...I got a Tan!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Oh My Gosh!!! You have got to be kidding me. I can't believe I have got a picture posted for me and I haven't seen it for so long. Shame on me! You moved me now... what an honor. Not only you got a tan but it looks real nice on you... :) Tell me Ive, you're glad you got on this trip, aren't you? Just kidding Shel, all colors look good on you! But for sure Yukon wouldn't have seen you like this if it weren't for the tropical Asian sun. Great! Guys, all the luck and next time you wake up mad or sad Shel, remember at least you haven't got burned! :)... Yeah, I know, you have a huge challenge ahead of you and this is not easy. But I don't have the tyniest doubt you won't regret any minute you've spent on this adventure. You deserve the world. Good luck! Love, Alex.

5:55 PM  

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