Friday, October 07, 2005

Beijing and Mr. Wu

Ok, so we landed in Shanghai only to find out that our ticket to Beijing was issued out of another airport but it was easily fixed and we were on our way. The flight to Shanghai was very comfortable and really good service - Biz class seats were life savers - it was long but at least we were comfortable and got to use real cutlery. Late into Beijing and we got ripped off on the taxi ride but that's par for the course on midnight flights. Our hotel is a gem - little chinese courtyard with red lanterns and garden with fish and very safe. We even have TV - wow. We are warned to not be whoring, gambling or illegal drug taking on our hotel literature which really takes the fun out of everything. Yesterday was our first out and about and we went to the Forbidden City (actually, today I am emailing right across the street from Tiananmen Square) and we met Mr. Lei Wu who promptly swooped down on us for $10.00 US and took us thru the Forbidden City (places we would not have seen without him) got us cheap water and ice cream, took us to get our money changed, tickets to the Chinese acrobats for tonight and led us to an inexpensive tho middle ground restaurant for Peking duck and veg. Tomorrow he will take us to the Great Wall and when we leave on Mon. or Tues. to head out on the train, he will take care of our extra clothing load until we return to Beijing in a month. Even if we lose our stuff to him, which I highly doubt as he makes his living off of Canadians, no worries, I packed too much stuff (so, who doesn't?!) - he could probably use a shiny guitar anyways - he looks rather rock n' roll.
I have to mention breakfast today from the roadside stand - roasted pork with onions and lettuce in a wee bun with 3 sauces (looked good on Ivan's white shirt too) yummy, that cost 35 cents a piece. Alrighty, we are moving on in the next day or so and blog may be few and far between or maybe not as we don't know where we will encounter email along the way. Seeya.


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